Responsibility for career development | Khurram | Nestlé

Organisations in our country​ invest a lot on courses, trainings, 360 evaluations to develop and mentor future leaders but all of these aids, while being of value, are not enough to take career​s forward. In fact, it may well be argued that these actually have the least impact in bringing about the desired behavioral change. Perhaps because ​our country men and women have strong personalities and ​they​ go back to​ their own way of working. ​Pakistanis​ can become successful professional​s by developing ​a few skills and having a few vital traits to manage the organisational hierarchy.

Vertical Management: Understand the company’s direction which is generally clearly spelled out in company’s vision and priorities. Embrace and lead them as your priorities in whatever way they relate to your area of influence. This will build confidence amongst the senior leaders that you can play a role in the future of the organisation.

Horizontal Management: It’s always good to build one’s own network and alignment with the key stakeholders. Connect with them formally and informally to share your work. For this I would suggest taking a half hour appointment with key people from different functional areas and sharing informally, both ways, about what you are working on and achieving and how you can help each other. As a result you will build a support structure which will not only appreciate your work but also back your proposals at critical decision times.

Team Management: You need to take care of your people – they are the ones who actually do your job. Always select the best young talented people aspiring to grow in the organization. Connect with them on a personal level, understand what makes each of them tick by stepping out of typical boss mode and meeting them on a one on one basis. Explicitly ask them about their professional aspirations and personal limitations and keep them motivated through recognition. We Pakistanis crave it. This will build individual relationships and they will go a long way to deliver your objectives.

Country Manager, Nestlé Waters Pakistan
