Dealing with harassment | Maliha | Mehergarh

  • Victims can start doubting themselves in the face of other parties diluting or diverting from the issue or claiming that it was one based on performance.
  • It is important for you to believe in your instincts. Not doubting your feelings is important. Share with someone you trust, before you report. When you talk about it immediately, it transitions from being a thought to being undeniable reality. Talking about it also gets it out of your system so that it doesn’t keep hurting you as a person.
  • Men, you get harassed also and it is very hard for you too because you face tremendous pressure, being the 'Protector'. While you may feel that you weren’t strong or bold enough to prevent it, know that it is okay to be confused, scared and hurt.
  • To prevent future harassment learn that when you say no, your whole being should be saying so. Be bold, be polite, be firm.

Executive Director, Mehergarh


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